Precisely what you need.

Whole-person precision medicine

The art of traditional medicine is that it considers your mind, heart and emotions as well as your physical symptoms.

When this is combined with the biometrics of modern science, you get a comprehensive diagnosis and the optimal selection of therapies available for you.


We combine modalities that provide the best fit

for your health concerns.

Functional pathology

The evaluation of micronutrients, antioxidants, and amino acids and the effect they may have on your overall health and current symptoms. ​​Your levels for each individual nutrient are compared against the established optimal levels. Your unique body and your optimal range could be quite different from someone else of your age, lifestyle and physical condition.


Functional medicine

Functional medicine is a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. There can be more than one cause of disease and the precise manifestation of each cause is different for everyone. There are many factors like nutrition, genes and lifestyle that contribute to symptoms and disease progression.


Nutritional genomics

Nutritional genomics, or nutrigenomics, describes how nutrients may influence gene expression, function and interaction. Knowing your gene variants may help with better understanding your body’s absorption, metabolism and elimination of specific nutrients. In doing so, your body’s specific requirements may be supported at the base level.


Oriental medicine

Based on the concept of balance, this form of medicine is based on the holistic understanding and treatment of illness based primarily on the diagnosis and identification of syndromes. Health is more than just the absence of disease, and Oriental medicine recognises this with its unique capacity to harmonise and enhance the capacity for enjoyment, fulfilment and happiness.


We design your treatment plan to address
everything you need.


The human body has between 365 to 2,000 nerve-rich acupuncture points that together create pathways (meridians) of microcirculation and physiological action. Stimulating these acupuncture points, zones and meridians is considered to release blockages and restore the body’s own balance. It is also a way of engaging the nervous system.


Chinese herbal medicine

Chinese herbal medicine aims to understand and treat the many ways in which the fundamental balance and harmony in the body may be undermined and the ways in which a person's energy or vitality may be depleted or blocked. Clinical strategies are based upon the diagnosis of patterns in signs and symptoms that reflect an imbalance.



These bioactive compounds include categories of phytonutrients such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, cofactors such as vitamins and minerals, and enzymes such as systemic and digestive targets, that support biochemical and metabolic pathways in an effort to promote health and wellbeing and may help in the prevention and treatment of symptoms related to disease.

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“The groundwork for all happiness, is good health.”

- Leigh Hunt